Elek Csetri: Reform and Economy 201
Ákos Egyed: Miklós Wesselényi and the Emancipation of Serfs
in Transsylvania 219
Jenõ Nagy: About the German Interpretation of the Entries in
the Hungarian Historical Dictionary of Transsylvania 229
Árpád Antal: The Spiritual Heritage of Bishop Áron Márton 234
Ferenc Kovács: The Hundred Years of Árpád Bitay 253
Jenõ Murádin: The Evaluation of the Work of János Thorma 260
Katalin Fehér: The Older László Teleki, the Culture
Politician 266
Pál Péter Tóth: The Sociological and Demographic Situation
of the Hungarian and Mixed (Hungarian–Romanian, Romanian–Hungarian) Families in
Northern Transsylvania between 1942–1944 271
Iván Borsa: The Medieval Collections of the Hungarian State
Archives 314
Éva Cs. Gyímesi: New Workshop of the Theory of Literature 322
István Pál Demény: How We Appreciate Folklore Research –
Reflections on Vilmos Keszeg’s Article 329
Magdolna Csomortáni: A Few Timely Questions of the Research
of Hungarian Place-Names in Romania 338
Klára Gazda: Dr. Károly Kós (1919–1996) 344
András Kiss: Jenõ Nagy (1916–1996)346
András Kiss: Források és értelmezések (Sources and
Interpretations) (Gábor Sipos) 350
Attila Palkó: Magyaró. Egy felsõ-marosmenti falu évszázadai
(Magyaró. Centuries of a Village near the Upper-Maros) (Gábor Sipos) 351
F. Postma –J. van Sluis: Auditorium Academiae Franekerensis
(Klára Jakó)353
Kálmán Sebestyén: Erdély református népoktatása 1780–1848
(The Calvinist Public Education in Transsylvania 1780–1848) (Ákos Egyed)354
Pr. Iosif Gabor: Dicþionarul comunitãþilor catolice din
Moldova (Dictionary of Catholic Communities in Moldova) (Vilmos Tánczos)355
Ferenc Bíró: A felvilágosodás korának magyar irodalma (The
Hungarian Literature of the Age of Enlightenment) (Zsófia Nagy)357
Miklós Krenner (Spectator): Az erdélyi út (The
Transsylvanian Way) (Ernõ Gáll) 359
István Dávid: Mûemlék orgonák Erdélyben (Art Relic Organs in
Transsylvania) (András Benkõ) 362
Gyula, Kossa-Magyary: Magyar orvosi emlékek (Memories of
Hungarian Doctors) (Ábrám Zoltán) 363
Árpád Szöllõsi: A Marosvásárhelyi Orvosi és Gyógyszerészeti
Egyetem 1945–1995 (The Medical and
Pharmaceutical Faculty of Marosvásárhely 1945–1995) (Judit
Szabó–László Szabó) 363
Documents of the General Assembly of May 4th 1996 365
Opening Speech of Samu Benkõ 365
Report of András Kiss about the activities of the
Transsylvanian Museum Society in 1995. 366
Tamás Soó’s report about the economic activities of the
Transsylvanian Museum Society in 1995. 370
Report of the Auditing Committee of the Transsylvanian
Museum Society about the financial situation of the society in 1995. 372
Final Speech of the President 373
Plan of activities and publishing 373
Benkõ Samu: Speech on the 80th Birthday of Zsigmond Jakó 374
Events of the year 1996 377
New books (Mária Makó) 382
Summary of the Articles 394